The Lost Writings of Wu Hsin:
Pointers to Non-Duality in Five Volumes

Roy Melvyn | Wu Hsin

The ability to discriminate between what appears to be and What-Is is The mark of the wise. They reside at the hub Of the wheel while others Revolve around the rim. ~ Wu' Hsin

Behind the Mind:
The Short Discourses of Wu Hsin

Seeking the End of Seeking

Solving Yourself: Yuben de Wu Hsin

About Roy Melvyn

Roy Melvyn was born in Brooklyn, New York, to Eastern European immigrant parents. It wasn't until the 1980s that his interest in spirituality and religion began to blossom and his investigations into the Western religions began.

However, by the early 90s, he was looking to Eastern philosophy for his "answers". Not long after he came to realize that the dogmas of organized religion were "one part mysticism and nine parts water". For him, that was not enough which drove him further toward the direct inquiry into the nature of "his reality". By the late 90s, he was writing about the more mystical aspects of Eastern meditative pursuits, exploring the writings of Dogen, Jiddu Krishnamurti, both Shunryu and D. T. Suzuki and Ramana Maharshi among others.

Having traveled extensively throughout the world, he currently calls South East Asia his home.